
The presence of several different autoantibodies (auto-AT) at the same time is a specific peculiarity of the “autoantibody profile” of SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). It is known that the induction of auto-AT formation involves both nonspecific and antigen-specific immunoregulatory disorders. In apoptosis, the primary changes in the cell membrane composition or/and the excretion of intracellular compounds into the intercellular milieu lead to an inflammatory reaction.  The purpose of the study was to highlight the connection between apoptosis and secondary necrosis of granulocytes and mononuclear (lymphocytes and monocytes) with inflammation activity in patients with SLE to improve diagnosis and basic therapy efficacy. In patients with SLE, secondary necrosis of granulocytes was 3.4 times higher compared to healthy control. Moreover, the level of apoptotic monocytes was 1.87 times higher, and secondary necrosis of monocytes was 5.58 times higher than healthy control. The secondary necrosis of lymphocytes was higher 9.0 times than in the case of healthy control. The usage of Apolect technology in patients with SLE allows differentiating various cell types of immunological inflammation with the analysis of the degree of apoptosis and secondary necrosis of immunocompetent cells (granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes) to determine the aggressiveness of cytostatic therapy and predict the development of complications of this disease.

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