
The flavivirus family (from Lat. flavus – yellow) represents a significant group of viruses circulating among vertebrates and insects, consists of three genera, one of which is the genus Pestivirus (classical swine fever virus, viral diarrhea (BVD) of cattle, borderline sheep disease, etc.). Viral diarrhea of cattle is a widespread infection in the world, and It is one of the most difficult economic problems in animal husbandry. The clinical picture of BVD is diverse: respiratory organ damage, fever, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, enteritis, immunosuppression, the virus passes through the placenta, which leads to the birth of persistently infected calves, abortions in cows at all stages of pregnancy are noted, fetal mummification, producing bulls can be virus carriers and secrete the virus with sperm. For serodiagnostics of viral diarrhea of cattle in laboratory practice, ELISA (enzyme immunoassay), RNGA (indirect hemagglutination reaction), PH (neutralization reaction) are used - the gold standard of diagnostics. The PH method is universal and makes it possible to detect the level of virus neutralizing antibodies for making a retrospective diagnosis, evaluating animals for virus transmission and confirming well-being. The PH method is unique and is the only correct one in assessing the effectiveness of vaccines, since only when it is used, the level of virus neutralizing (protective) antibodies protecting animals from direct infection is revealed. The aim of our research was to formulate a neutralization reaction to the detection of antibodies to the bovine viral diarrhea virus using transplanted cultures of PT-80 and KST cells.

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