
The article substantiates the necessity of using a worldview-value approach to the formation of personnel policy as a modern conceptual basis for the development of the intellectual potential of society. It is emphasized that in the personnel management system personnel policy has a special role as it covers key aspects of personnel activities aimed at ensuring the effective operation of the organization. Personnel policy organically combines ideology with mechanisms that determine the priority areas of development of each organization depending on strategic goals and conditions. The main milestones of the perception of the human factor in the activities of organizations are characterized in accordance with the historical stage of development of society and the economy. Emphasis is placed on modern challenges that highlight the human resource as a special value. It is noted that the ideological personnel policy under the influence of today's trends unfolds in the direction of worldview and value orientations aimed at personnel development, talent management, effective communication, preservation of mental health of personnel, harmonious team cooperation. The modern principles of formation of personnel policy on a worldview and value basis are defined and characterized, among which the principle of human-centrism, which becomes dominant in the conditions of war and permeates all areas of personnel policy, is highlighted. The main functions of personnel policy aimed at the implementation of tactical and strategic tasks of the organization and strengthening of personnel potential are highlighted. The important priorities of personnel policy at the state and local levels caused by the war were determined. The conditions that ensure an effective personnel policy are specified, in particular: a combination of professionalism, creativity and spirituality, acquisition of new competencies in accordance with industry 5.0, search for motivational mechanisms and technologies for the return of highly qualified personnel, reduction of the deficit in the labor market, ensuring personnel safety. Among the wide range of components of personnel policy, the features of formation, preservation, restoration and development of personnel potential in accordance with the worldview and value concept are emphasized. The expediency of further research in the direction of concretizing the content of personnel policy with new elements in accordance with the influences of the external environment is substantiated.

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