
The purpose of the article is to define the concept of “personnel policy” and substantiateits features in commercial enterprises. Methodology of research. System of economic laws,concepts and categories, fundamental provisions of modern economic theory and applied economics,statistical data. The general methodological basis of the research is an abstract-logical complex approach,methods of analysis and synthesis. Findings. The article identifies scientific approaches tothe definition of “personnel policy”, in particular in trade enterprises, which allowed to define it as themain line of conduct of management staff in relation to the implementation of strategic objectives oftrade enterprises. Outlined types of personnel policy (passive, reactive, preventive, active); functions(planning, hiring and placement of labor, training, preparation, retraining, advanced training, staff evaluation,determining the conditions of employment, labor and its payment, motivation and adherenceto labor discipline, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team, implementation of socialfunctions, control for occupational safety) and tasks. The peculiarities of trade as an industry, whichprovide its connection with changing forms of commodity value and with the continuation of productionprocesses in the field of rotation, and create a basis for professional development of workers, ensuring their competitiveness, which will increase efficiency and effectiveness of trade enterprises. The peculiaritiesof labor in trade, which are associated with the presence of high costs of living labor, nervousand emotional stress of workers, the impact on the scope of probabilistic factors that lead to increasedstress at work, the specifics of labor, not in the product but in the service. Practical value. It is offeredto consider formation of personnel policy of the trade enterprises taking into account features ofpersonnel policy of trade depending on its types. Particular attention is paid to active personnel policy,which provides for the development of targeted and anti-crisis personnel programs depending onchanges in trade; formation of personnel reserve, organization of corporate training in sales technologies,effective communications, team formation, etc. Keywords: work, personnel policy, trade enterprises, personnel policy at trade enterprises, typesof personnel policy, functions of personnel policy. REFERENCES 1. Vesnіn, V. R. (2011). Upravlenіe personalom.Teorіia і praktіka [Personnel management.Theory and practice]. Moscow : Prospekt [inRussian]. 2. Balabanova, L. V. & Sardak, O. V. (2006)Upravlinnia personalom [Personnel management].Donetsk : DonDUET [in Ukrainian]. 3. Spivak, V. A. (2000). Orhanizatsyonnoepovedeniei upravlenie personalom. [Organizationalbehavior and personnel management].Sankt-Petesburg : Izdatelstvo “Piter”[in Russian]. 4. Krushelnytska, O. V. & Melnychuk, D. P.(2003). Upravlinnia personalom [Personnelmanagement]. Kyiv : Kondor [in Ukrainian]. 5. Kolpakov, V. M. & Dmitrenko, H. A. (2005).Stratehicheskii kadrovyi menedzhment [Strategicpersonnel management]. Kyiv : MAUP[in Russian]. 6. Hetman, O. O. & Shapoval, V. M. (2006).Ekonomika pidpryiemstva [Business Economics].Kyiv : Tsentr navchalnoi literatury[in Ukrainian]. 7. Novykov, V. M. (2000). Orhanizatsiia i rozvytoksotsialnoi sfery (zarubizhnyi i vitchyznianyidosvid). [Organization and developmentof the social sphere (foreign anddomestic experience)]. Kyiv : In-t ekonomikyNAN Ukrainy [in Ukrainian]. 8. Melnychuk, D. P. (2002). Kadrova politykavsystemi sotsialno-adekvatnoho upravlinnia.[Personnel policy in the system of sociallyadequate management]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskohoinzhenerno-tekhnolohichnoho instytutu. Ekonomichninauky – Bulletin of the ZhytomyrInstitute of Engineering and Technology. Economicsciences, 22, 308–313 [in Ukrainian]. Published: 2021-05-27

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