
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of agriculture in Dagestan by the end of the 1970s, еру trends and directions of its development in the 80s of the XX century. The author shows the attention of the regional authorities to strengthening the material and technical base, improving the use of the existed technical park in public collective farm and state farm production, and the development of land improvement with the involvement of the wide range of different sources. Changes in the structure of land use and the directions of agricultural production specialization are analyzed. Its intra-republican zonal differences, the role and importance of different sectors in increasing agricultural production are characterized. The share of public and private economy in the production of various types of agrarian products is determined. The paper demonstrates the achievements and miscalculations in the development of the most important sector of the economy of the multinational region. It is noted that, despite positive changes and results, the planned targets for agrarian production were not achieved, and the republic continued to import a significant portion of agricultural products from other regions of the country.

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