This article is devoted to the functional-semantic description of particles of the Karaidel subdialect of the northwestern dialect of the Bashkir language. As examples, field materials and transcribed audio recordings of the author, collected during an expedition to the Karaidel region of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2022, 2023, were used in order to study the current state of dialect and analyze the morphological indicators of speakers’oral speech of this area. During the processing of field materials, the frequent use of various particles in the speech of informants was revealed, which convey an emotional attitude towards the events, incidents, state and actions of a particular subject or object under discussion. A comparative study of dialect forms with particles of the literary (written) Bashkir language made it possible to classify them in a semantic aspect. Since in colloquial speech specific dialect particles complement the meaning of a particular lexeme and thus their main function is to express an additional semantic connotation of the word. Based on their origin, particles of the Karaidel subdialect can be divided into original ones, dating back to the ancient Turkic state, and borrowed ones, which entered the Bashkir spoken language from the Russian language during centuries-old language contacts. It is noteworthy that some dialect particles of vernacular are observed in other Turkic languages (Kypchak, Oguz, Karluk, Siberian, etc. groups) and are not the literary norm of the Bashkir language. In addition, the article briefly examines the centuries-old history of the study of particles of the Bashkir language. The academic grammatical tradition, dating back to antiquity, considers particles according to the following meanings, which we have supplemented with new dialect materials: 1. Interrogative particles -мы, -ме, -мо, -мө. These particles of the Bashkir language are always written together. 2. The restrictive particles ғына, генә, ҡына, кенә distinguish this or that object or subject from others and are written separately. 3. Particles of doubt ҙар, -ҙыр, -ҙер, conveying uncertain assumptions, inaccuracy regarding an ongoing event, action, phenomenon, object. It should be noted that in the dialects of the northwestern dialect of the Bashkir language, particles of uncertainty and assumptions have only three variants -ҙар, -ҙыр, -ҙер, in contrast to the literary 4-variant affixation: -ҙар, -ҙер, -лар, -лер, -дар, -дәр, -тар, -тәр. 4. The particles of request -сана, -сәнә, -сы, -се, -со, -сө, әле, expressing exhortation, appear with verbs in the form of the imperative mood. The first two forms are used very rarely; mainly in dialects, requests are expressed in forms in , -сы, -се, -со, -сө and әле. 5. Particles of confirmation with a tinge of surprise and annoyance, expressing the emotional state of the speaker: ҙабаса, ҙәбәсә, даса, дәсә, даса(уы), дәсә(үы), дабаса, дәбәсә, табаса, тәбәсә, лабаса. 6. Intensifying particles уҡ, үк, иң, ныҡ, ҙа, ҙә, да, дә, та, тә, ла, лә enhance the meaning of the information expressed. The constant use of particles with the interdental voiced consonant ҙа, ҙә, conveying additional semantic shades to certain parts of speech, is a specific feature of the Karaidel dialect of the northwestern dialect of the Bashkir language and is observed only in the Bashkir language among other Turkic languages. 7. The next specific function word of this dialect is the affirmative dialect particle ҡый, кей in the meaning ‘after all; So; Yes’. So, dialectal data of the Bashkir language can serve as valuable material for comparative historical studies of Turkic languages, since the dialects of the Bashkir language have morphological facts for comparison with the languages of both the Kipchak and Bulgar, Oguz, Karluk and Siberian groups. Moreover, the dialects of the Bashkir language have many features that distinguish this language from other Turkic languages, so dialect materials can be a source of some important data for clarifying a number of questions on the history of the Turkic languages.
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