
The aim of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of visual changes in domestic posters of animation films. We compared the original posters and the domestic posters of American animations released in Korea in the 2020s and analyzed the visual changes in domestic posters in terms of images, model numbers, and layouts. First, most of the domestic main posters had different images from the original posters, but both had mostly character + scene types of images. Second, both had mostly more than four models, but the proportion of one-person models was lower in domestic posters than in original posters. Third, as various texts including copy were inserted into domestic posters that were not present in original posters, changes in the layout occurred as the position of the title and head copy moved. In particular, the movement of the title and head copy were analyzed as a strategy to increase the visual message delivery effect to addressees by considering the position of images and other texts inserted into posters.

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