
The article is devoted to the assessment of the harmonizing potential of social partnership in the context of the potential use of its mechanisms to update the current version of the social contract between the government and the citizens of Russia. The need to address the stated problem is due to the urgent need to revise the dominant approach to the distribution of public resources in conditions of the threat of destabilization of the political situation in the country. According to the authors, the best way to prevent the settlement of inter-class conflicts in the conditions of long-term confrontation between Russia and the collective West is the use of neo-corporatist mechanisms for coordinating interests to bring the social contract in line with the current realities and challenges of the time. Its conceptual basis should be the predominance of socially conservative values over neoliberal ideologems. In this context, social partnership can be considered as a fundamental factor in ensuring national accord. The successful practice of regulating social and labor relations through the conclusion of tripartite agreements between trade unions, employers' associations and executive authorities can be taken as a basis for the conclusion and adjustment of a social contract throughout the country.

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