
Nagashima Hiroki believed that when the period of the residency-general would come, the diplomacy between Korea and Japan should be handled by domestic admin istration. The residency-general is described as a core organization of this domestic administration system. In other words, it was considered that in terms of any of the diplomatic matters between Korea and Japan, the residency-general should be in charge as a channel of peaceful communication. He, consequently, got to predicate that regarding Japan's Dokdo incorporation, Korea hadn't tried to protest even when Korea still had a chance to protest without hesitation. He, after all, is arguing that Korea's protest absence is equivalent to acquiescence. In order to support his own argument, he has been offering correspondences between these departments as evide nce which had been working as negotiation opposites between the two countries. This study looked into such arguments of Nagashima from a historical perspectiv e. The findings, as a result, confirmed that the residency-general was the encroachme nt organization that had gradually 'interfered', 'manipulated', and 'dominated' Kore an domestic administration. It was learned that since the establishment of the residen cy-general, the both nations, Korea and Japan, had not been equal in their relations while Korea was put under the control of Japanese domestic administration. Taking that into account, there is only a slim chance for the both nations' negotiation opposit es to be approved equally. That was what has been also confirmed in the contents of Korea-Japan correspondences. In the correspondences of those times, rather priva te, trivial matters than official ones were mentioned, and to top it off, it was not two-way communication but merely unilateral requests or demands. Add to that, as for 'the imperial family diplomacy' by King Gojong as well, it ended up being nominal by 'the palace prohibition' after it had existed for a while in the midst of Japan's vigilance and interruption. As described so far, Korea was unable to protest in any way against the residency-general's unlawful, unjust domination over Korean domestic administration. Not only that, Japan didn't provide Korea with any official notification of Dokdo incorporation. It is only believed to be lack of logic when you want to blame others for their not having protested against something which you hadn't notified of in the first place.

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