
In this article the mechanism of socio-economic motivation is investigated and the analysis of existent methods of personnel motivation is conducted. It is found out that except external factors plenty of internal factors has influence on personnel motivation among which the corporate culture of corresponding enterprise occupies not last role. In the article a study of corporate culture influence on enterprise is undertaken on the system of adaptation and personnel motivation and forming its reasons. In the article the influence of material facilities, the role of salary and also the system of awarding of personnel that exists on enterprises are studied. It is educed that in the conditions of economic crisis and worsening of majority of population welfare a salary becomes one of the main elements that motivates workers to implementate the tasks which are put before them. It is found out that except the material system of motivation non-material motivation is purchased widely in domestic enterprises too. The system of compensation influence on the mechanism of socio-economic motivation of workers is investigated and its different forms are described. The influence of social motivation facilities is studied and essence, value of public approval, conviction and role of reputation on personnel motivation are exposed. It is proved that the balanced correlation between the system of encouragement of workers and facilities of punishment for violation of rules and corporate culture that exists on the enterprise plays an important role in the process of enterprise management and personnel motivation. It is educed that the punishment system includes not only privation of bonuses but also imposition of fines that is laid on workers who violate labour discipline systematically, a permanent delay on work and arrival on work in the drunk state are observed. This article proves that outstanding influence on the system of workers motivation is rendered by the system of stimulation that allows to satisfy existing necessities for workers. The role of basic motivational methods is investigated among which there is compulsion, reward and involvement.

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