
At the present stage of economic development, the issue of a system for improving personnel motivation at the enterprise is quite relevant. After all, in today's conditions, the problem is the imperfection of the motivational system in enterprises, the lack of funds that could be directed to the development of the motivational system of the enterprise, another important problem is that domestic organizations almost do not pay attention to the motivation of their subordinates. Also, when choosing a motivation system, you can face the problem of its effectiveness among employees. Usually, material incentives are more popular, and at the present stage of development, more and more attention is paid to non-material incentives, which makes it possible, with the right approach to each worker, to unlock his maximum potential, which will reveal not only him as a person, but also improve the effectiveness of the organization. Since the system of personnel motivation is of great importance for each existing company, this process has been studied by such foreign and domestic scientists as A. Maslow, G. Hertzberg, E. McGregor, E. Mayo, M. V. Vroom, O. S. Ivanilov and others. The end of the 70s-beginning of the 80s of the last century was quite rich in the study and analysis of human behavior, and thanks to this, the world saw the works of General Motors, IBM, Japanese "Quality Circles", and a significant contribution to the study of the personnel motivation system was made by domestic scientists: M. Volsky, G. Tsekhanovetsky, T. F. Stepanov, I. V. Vernadsky, I. Ya. Franko, A. A. Getman, V. M. Shapoval, G. A. Shvidanenko, V. G. Vasilkov, N. P. Goncharova, S. F. pokropivny, N. I. sklyaruk, O. I. slavuta, L. I. Shvab and others. But the current economic stage requires new implementations due to the rather difficult situation that arose due to the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 in Ukraine, which is why this article has an actual message about improving the staff motivation system. The purpose of this work is to systematize theoretical provisions and substantiate practical recommendations at the present stage of Economics on the development of a motivational system in enterprises. This will allow you to introduce improvements to the motivational systems that organizations use. Thus, we can conclude that the problem associated with the motivation system occupies one of the main places in the work of the organization, because a successful motivation system for employees of the organization is primarily an increase in employee productivity, as a result of reducing production time and increasing the company's profits. Management should understand and properly organize the motivation system for employees, because it is the right motivation system that makes it possible to maximize the potential of the worker. Therefore, if the motivation system is developed, it allows the enterprise to be competitive and increases the final result of its activities.

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