
The authors analyze the role of the personality orientation. The article highlights an issue of forming the orientation of the schoolchildren personality orientation to the choice of teaching professions. Professional orientation has a certain impact on resolving the contradictions between social requirements and individual needs and serves as a driving force for the development of the creative activity of educational subjects. According to A. Rostunov, professional orientation is based on a wide range of needs, interests, ideals, motives and attitudes of a person. It characterizes the unity of interests and personality traits in the system of professional self-determination, which is the most important in adolescence. The article highlights an issue of the orientation as a component for creation in the transformative activity of students of psychological faculties and practical psychologists in the development of the orientation of their personality, self-development, self-improvement and self-realization of potential opportunities by means of innovative teaching methods and educational technologies. It also presents the specific innovative teaching methods, educational technologies that contribute to developing the personality orientation of future psychologists, their self-development, self-improvement and self-realization of potential opportunities. Particular importance is attached to what the scientist-psychologist, doctor in Psychology professor Rostunov left in his legacy in terms of the research, methods and innovative methods in shaping the personality orientation.

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