
The article examines the essence of interactive learning as an educational process that takes place in the conditions of constant and active interaction of the teacher with all students. The features of interactive teaching methods are determined, as activation of the student’s thinking process; long term of student activity; independence of judgment; constant interaction of students with each other and the teacher. The general techniques of the interactive lesson in teaching the topic «Contract of trust management of property» - a role-playing legal game-are considered, the strengths of this training method are analyzed. The article highlights the issues of innovative methods and forms of education, reveals the essence of the concept of «innovation» in teaching at TSUL. The definition of an innovative method, methodology, approach, and technology is given. Differentiation of teaching methods is considered taking into account the interaction – teacher and student. The author expresses the opinion that the modern methodology for teaching the topic «Property trust agreement» is a methodology built on an effective approach to teaching, according to which there are certain methods and they have been discussed in the article. It is argued that interactive and innovative teaching methods are multicomponent. Specific interactive and innovative teaching methods and techniques are considered to ensure high efficiency of the educational process in teaching legal disciplines - error analysis, brainstorming, Socratic dialogue, business (role) play and others. The article emphasizes the forms of teaching based on the synthesis of classroom and extracurricular work are highly productive and promising. Concrete proposals have been formulated for the development and implementation of interactive and innovative forms and methods of teaching, which are an important component of scientific and methodological and educational work at the university.

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