
This article is aimed at identifying such a problematic aspect as the procedural procedure for collect-ing evidentiary information in computer networks. The author considers some previously put forward scientific proposals aimed at resolving problematic issues regarding the conditions and procedure for conducting investigative actions for the purpose of visual perception and research of information placed on local and network electronic media, as well as in computer networks. The definition of compulsory examination of an information system located on electronic media outside the place of the investigative action is given. The list of current legislation and current regulatory legal acts aimed at regulating relations arising from the interaction of preliminary investigation bodies and telecom operators providing connection services to information and communication networks, as well as organizers of the dissemination of information on the Internet is given. Particular attention is paid to the problems and prospects of obtaining such criminally significant information as cookies. Their definition is given; the classification of the main types is given. The necessity of supplementing the com-position of the information to be stored by the organizer of the dissemination of information on the In-ternet for the purpose of preventing and combating crime in the Russian Federation is indicated.

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