
Introduction. It is taken as a benchmark that every person is interested in the fact that not only the widest possible reveal his dignity and potential opportunities, not only to receive education, but also the ability to adapt to the new political and socio-economic realities of the present. The state, however, should take care of the satisfaction of these needs of the individual, which would be combined with the examination of the needs of the community as a whole. To do this, it is necessary to rely on the theoretical model of the "innovative person", which is tested in the world and focused on instilling proficiency, solid knowledge, flexibility and mobility into high school graduates.Purpose. The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of the algorithm of system design of the model of the modern educational system, which reveals the essence and features of the global educational environment.Methods. The system of general scientific and special methods of theoretical (analysis of scientific literature on the studied problem, systematization, generalization of materials, content analysis) and empirical research (monitoring of military specialists, use of diagnostic tools, etc.). Results. On the basis of the analysis of domestic and foreign practice in the design of educational systems, we generalized the procedural programming of the JC system of higher education, which is a complex and objective procedure, through which a unified information, pedagogical and methodological basis ensures the unity of requirements to the content and quality of training of specialists, regardless of departmental subordination institutions of higher education and forms of ownership.Originality. The organizational framework for ensuring the processes of designing and forecasting of perspective educational systems, the quality of design decisions is a logical scheme of interaction of decision-making levels. They can be submitted using the following system analysis formula: object as target category - process as a category of means to achieve the goal - system that implements the process.Conclusion. The priority of the directions of the state policy in the context of the integration of the national higher education into the European and world educational space is that the necessary prerequisite for the design of an innovative model of higher education is the coherent renewal of the educational system, in particular, the improvement of its staffing, which to a large extent depends on the ability of the education system to train highly skilled professionals.

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