
The article is devoted to the study of the features of resource potential management of the enterprise in the context in crisis conditions. The ability of the enterprise to adapt its activities to the new realities of doing business directly depends on the available resource potential and the effectiveness of its management in the conditions of increasing crisis phenomena. In this context, the search for effective management tools for f resource potential management of the enterprise is gaining special relevance. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of managing the enterprise’s resource potential in the context of crisis phenomena. Different authors’ approaches to the interpretation of the essence of resource potential management of the enterprise are considered and his author’s vision is proposed. It is substantiated that the formation of an effective system of management of the resource potential of the enterprise reflects its capabilities for streamlining the processes of formation, rational use and reproduction of resources in order to ensure sustainable development. Its main properties are structure, dynamism, complexity, adaptability and proportionality. The structure of the resource potential management system of the enterprise is proposed. Its main constituent elements are characterized. The main ones are object and subject, purpose, tasks, principles, functions and methods of management. It is concluded that the effectiveness of the resource potential management system of the enterprise directly depends on the effectiveness of each of its structural elements, as well as on the interaction between them. In this regard, it is necessary to periodically check the degree of compliance of the elements of the control system with each other and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments. The generalization of the results of the research of the constituent elements of the resource potential management system of the enterprise made it possible to build its model. It is proven that the management of resource potential should ensure the maximum productivity of the use of resources in the process of achieving the company’s goals, taking into account the increase in crisis phenomena.

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