
The article traces the latest trends in bilateral contacts between Romania and Moldova that emerged with the beginning and during the development of the Russian special military operation. It is concluded that since the intensification of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the position of official Bucharest on issues related to strategy and prospects for the further development of relations with the Republic of Moldova has not undergone significant changes. Expressing concern about the explosive situation in the region, the Romanian authorities confirmed the preservation of the previously established vector of interactions with Chisinau, which generally meets the long-term interests and security considerations of the country. The basis of the implemented strategy continues to be the course towards a “soft” gradual Romanianization of the Moldovan political class and civil society. The current Moldovan leadership, despite its consistent Romanian-centrism, also does not consider merger with its Western neighbors the goal of the current political agenda; accession to the EU remains its priority. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that in a certain situation Romania, even contrary to its own plans, will be attracted by Western partners to the need to directly intervene in Moldovan affairs.

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