
The article is dedicated to designing a tolerant educational environment of the school as a model of civil society. The main contradictions are characterized, the problem is formulated: under what pedagogical conditions will the educational environment of the school correspond to the model of civil society? A characteristic feature of such a society is noted, where manifestations of patriotism are based on the productive and tolerant interaction of different cultures and the social groups represented in it. The objectives of the study are shown: to study the state of the problem of civic education of students in a tolerant educational environment; to develop diagnostics of the tolerant educational environment of the school according to the characteristics of the civic consciousness of its subjects; to study the experience of pedagogical design of tolerant educational environments of secondary schools; to conduct a study of the tolerant educational environment of the school as a model of civil society in the mode of a formative pedagogical experiment. The article also reflects the conditions under which the educational environment of the school will be tolerant and constitute a model of civil society: various social groups that are carriers of distinctive cultural values in the general multicultural educational environment will be highlighted; productive and tolerant interaction will be organized as a dialogue of cultures in a multicultural environment of life and activity; pedagogical conditions will be created for reflection by all participants in the educational process of neoplasms of the intraschool way of life that have arisen as a result of the interpenetration of cultural values of various social groups. Theoretical methods were used (analysis of scientific literature, study and generalization of pedagogical experience), as well as empirical (survey and testing). It is shown that the study is associated with the possibilities of developing ways to develop civic patriotic consciousness of adolescents through the design of tolerant educational environments. The article also gives the Program and methods for the study of the tolerant educational environment of the school.

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