
The article reveals the key aspects of interactive teaching of mathematics in the humanities areas of training. The theoretical and methodological basis of interactive teaching of mathematics is highlighted. Interactive learning acts as a means of organizing a special space of interaction of subjects of educational activity for the construction of developing teaching of mathematics. One of the effective methods of interactive learning is crowdsourcing technology. Crowdsourcing technology is a project to solve a social and significant problem on a charitable basis, in which everyone can participate and offer a variety of solutions through network technologies. The article suggests the stages of working on a crowdsourcing project. An example of the project “Organization of an accessible environment for students with disabilities” for students in the areas of training “State and municipal direction”, “Social work” in the framework of studying the section “Analytical geometry” of the discipline “Mathematics” is presented. Special attention is paid to the mathematical component of the project on the organization of a barrier-free environment for students with disabilities (justification of the project work; drawing project; mathematical calculation using knowledge of analytical geometry; economic justification of the project). The article presents students’ projects containing geometric constructions, mathematical calculations and analysis of the calculations obtained. The conducted reflection and self-assessment showed a high level of interest in the work carried out, highlighted the importance of mathematical knowledge for solving professional problems and increased the level of involvement in the study of mathematics in non-core areas of training. Networking and interaction are a key feature of crowdsourcing technologies. Crowdsourcing allows one to organically integrate mathematical tools into a professional context.

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