
The relevance of the topic, justified by the modern digitalization of the world, virtual reality is becoming increasingly important for the real world, very often the virtual world complements, but influences the real world. General digitalization entails changes in the global and national information space, forming a new language and information environment of a new socio-cultural reality, which is actively being formed and rapidly spreading with the increasing dominance of spheres of influence of modern means of communication in real life. The total spread of the latest technologies has fundamentally changed the standards of communication and information exchange, being able to attract an unlimited audience, encouraging the creation of content by your audience, expanding the boundaries of the chronotope, opportunities for collaboration and co-creation. As a result, the emergence of the phenomenon of social networks that combine digital media, online communication with an ultra-high level of interactivity, which in a special way create an information space, on the one hand, and at the same time act as tools, on the other. Teachers very often position themselves in social networks, forming a unique image of a teacher. This process, from something insignificant and fragmentary, has acquired large dimensions that require deep reflection and study. The subject of the research of the article is the study of educational network discourse, and the object is the study of the functional-semantic category of class within the framework of educational network discourse. The purpose of the article is to determine the place of the functional-semantic category of estates in the educational network discourse. The study was conducted on the material of messages in the social networks "Facebook".

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