
The article explores the peculiarities of the formation of the information security system of the state in the global informa­tion space, which contains significant potential not only for the use but also for the misuse of information, turning it into a tool of manipulation or outright criminal actions. Due to the gro­wing information threats for most countries around the world, the issue of ensuring their own information security and national sovereignty, the need to create an effective system of information security of man, society and the state. The basic principles and functions of the system of information security of the state in the global information space are revealed. Information security of society and the state is seen as a sys­tem that provides the necessary level of stability and protection of political, socio-economic, military-defense, spiritual, cultural and other spheres and spheres of society from dangerous, desta­bilizing negative destructive threats that could harm national in­terests. state, sustainable development of society, well-being and health of every citizen. Given the inevitability of further growth of threats in the field of information security, a comprehensive model of the information security system of the state is substanti­ated. It is concluded that it is necessary to intensify the actions of public authorities of Ukraine in the timely detection and neutral­ization of threats and risks of negative impact of harmful content of national and global information space, meeting the informa­tion needs of man and society, realization of national interests in the global information space. information space and information sovereignty of the state.

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