
DOI:   https://doi.org/10.28925/2518-766X201612628 The article examines an actual problem of semiotic approach implementation in the development of spiritual values of future teachers of musical art. Introduction of semiotic approach to developmentof future music teachers’ spiritual values requires scientific discourse on theoretical aspects of its implementation.The following semiotic approach aims at multiaspectual and versatile comprehension of the meaning of music composition according to the systematic research of its musical language.Musical composition, similar to sign of language, is a holistic material and ideal creation that includes significant and meaningful unity. It indicates that the sound of a musical composition in the minds of listeners is associated only with a certain complex of ideas, imagination and emotions (spiritual essence) that differ from sound but depend on it providing perception of music as determined meaning (M. Bonfeld). Future music music teachers’ continual music thinking is formed according to the research of musical language of composition as the type of artistic language that is presented at the level of sub signs. The analysis of music composition should include three components of semiotics: “semantics — relation of sign (subsign) and value, syntactics — relations between signs (or elements of signs), pragmatics — relation between signs and those, who use them”. Providing semiotic analysis of musical composition according to three-component model of semiotics encourages future music teachers’ deep understanding of sign and structure of language in music composition. Implementation of semiotic approach provides comprehension of artistic content of musical composition by future music teachers as well as development of theirspiritual values

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