
To identify and select snow mold-resistant genotypes, 50 varieties of winter soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) of various origins were tested under conditions of severe biotic stress. The study was conducted on natural and infectious backgrounds (factor A) in 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 (factor B) in the Republic of Tatarstan. The predecessor is pure steam. Sowing dates are optimal for the zone. Local populations of Microdochium nivale were used to create an infectious background. Meteorological conditions during the years of research favored the development of snow mold. Infection of winter wheat plants with the disease, both against infectious and natural backgrounds, was higher in 2021. With artificial infection of M. nivale, varieties of the collection nursery were affected by snow mold in a strong (from 82 to 100%) degree. On average, over two years, it was higher than on a natural background, by 38.9%. Selyanka, Nadezhda, Yasochka, Barkan, Luganchanka, Zavichanka, Rita, TAW 42791/80 varieties, which can be considered tolerant to M. nivale in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan. Varieties Selyanka, Nadezhda, Yasochka, Rita, Luganchanka, with the best yield indicators, formed the largest in the experiment (more than 35 g) high-grade grain (more than 746 g/l) and can be recommended for inclusion in crossbreeding programs to create varieties resistant to M. nivale winter wheat.

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