
T^e subject matter of the paper is the consideration of the public control forms through the information content of the official websites of public council acting at the regional authorities of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass. The purpose of the study is to identify the main forms of public control through the system of information content of official websites in the activities of public councils at the regional authorities of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass. The methodology of the study was based on two groups of methods and methodological approaches. The theoretical approaches of the study were the structural-functional approach of T. Parsons and the legal and regulatory approach. The empirical part of the study included the results of processing quantitative and qualitative data from public council websites using the content analysis method. Most of the pervious researches on the issue review features and prospects of the public councils1 activities at the federal level, or the dynamics of the public councils1 development under regional authorities. In the conducted study the activities of 40 public councils operating as of January 1,2022 have been analyzed. The authors have analyzed the minutes of meetings for the period of 2019-2021 as the main source of information. The study focuses on the issues characterizing the work of public councils - the topics of the meetings, social and occupational features of the councils1 staff, which ultimately has made it possible to assess the forms of exercising public control over the authorities. It is observed that such studies are aimed at solving the problem of systematizing data on the activities of regional public councils with subsequent informing the regional authorities. The study has noted a positive trend in the content of public council websites. The significant problems identified include a low level of exercising the function of public control in the work of social activists and the use of a limited number of forms of public control

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