
The article focuses on studying the information content of the official web sites of municipal entities regarding the coverage of activities of the public councils formed under the municipal authorities in Kuzbass. The purpose of the article was to monitor the web sites of municipalities in terms of their highlighting the work of public councils and to develop recommendations for improving the information policy of municipal authorities on this issue. The recommendations made are addressed to both municipalities and the Public Chamber of Kemerovo Region-Kuzbass and Kuzbass Legislature and suggest amending the regulatory framework. The research results have a practical orientation, since they allow to develop a unified standard of methodological recommendations for improving the information policy of municipalities. Along with the results of the monitoring of official websites, the study analyzes such source as publications of Russian researchers on the issue of public councils under authorities. The methodological basis of the research was formed by a set of methodological approaches – the systematic approach of Th. Parsons, comparative and regulatory approaches. The choice of these methods was associated with the need to study different types of sources available on the websites of municipal authorities – regulatory legal acts and minutes of meetings of public councils. With regard to the term “information policy”, the authors rely on the definition proposed by A. F. Garifullina, who considers information policy as a system of information channels connecting state and municipal authorities with society. As part of the monitoring of web sites of municipalities, the authors studied issues related to the availability of information on the work of public councils, determined the qualitative characteristics of the social and professional composition of council members, and considered the issue of the implementation of the public control function. Among the recommendation proposed as a result, the following should be stressed: the need to systematize information about the work of the public council in a separate page on the municipality’s website, the need to arrange information about the work of the public council and to expand the possibilities for implementing the function of public control by councils through monitoring, expertise, inspections and other forms

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