
This article is devoted to the development of a set of measures to improve the management of human capital of workers of pre-retirement age in the interests of the economic development of the region with structural changes in industry. The study has been conducted on the example of the Altai Republic. The object of the study is the pension reform and its impact on the management of human capital, the subject of the study is the processes of managing the human capital of workers of pre-retirement age in the Altai Republic. Theoretical and methodological foundations for assessing the implementation of the pension reform and its impact on the management of human capital in the region with structural changes in industry have been studied. The concept of "human capital" is considered and people of pre-retirement age and pensioners are singled out in a separate category. The general criteria for assessing human capital in Russia are considered; the experience of foreign countries in terms of pension provision of the population is given. The analysis of the processes of evaluating the implementation of the pension reform and its impact on the management of human capital in the Altai Republic has been carried out. An assessment of the impact of the pension reform on the management of human capital in the region with structural changes in industry is made. It is noted that there is a constant increase in the proportion of people of pre-retirement age, the use of the human capital of these workers, which is of high quality, is an urgent topic that requires special research. Social projects are aimed at improving the quality of the human capital of older people. The aim of the study is theoretical issues and methodological recommendations for human capital management. The object of study is the processes that determine the directions and ensure the efficiency of the use of human capital. The following methods are used in the process of the study: monographic, abstract-logical, sociological, calculation-constructive. A set of measures is proposed to improve the implementation of the pension reform and its impact on human capital management in the Altai Republic, including the development of a regional employment program for people of pre-retirement age; allocation of job quotas for the employment of pensioners; improve the system of calculating pensions in connection with the new conditions for retirement, etc

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