
The purpose of the paper is to study the problem of regional security, for which the most urgent is the problem of powers distribution between the central government and the regions. The aim of the paper is to compare the ideas about the essence of regional security in the discourse of state power and the regions in order to find a solution to the possibility of managing the situation of regional security. The research methodology involves the use of comparative analysis, as well as the use of a phenomenological and situational approach, the theory of social services and the dialogue of cultures. The authors argue that the solution of the regional security problem within the framework of the federal state is a continuous process of finding a compromise aimed at an attempt to meet the multidirectional needs, one of which is to ensure the unity, sovereignty and integrity of the Russian Federation; the other is to protect and safeguard the safe existence of regions. Therefore, it is necessary to state that the system of vital interests at the regional level is mobile; it changes under the influence of conditions, security environment. A decisive role in the process of changes in regional interests, and, consequently, regional security, is played by factors prompting the region to take fundamentally important political and other actions, among which discourses of regional security stand out, such as the discourse of state power and regional discourse of security. This orientation determines the novelty of the study, which for the first time is aimed at separating the regional security discourse from the security discourse of state power and substantiating the resolution of the contradiction between them. As a result, the paper examines a regional security model within the framework of the concept of regional security complexes, which offers an analysis of this problem through a critical comparison of the power and regional discourses that have an intellectual impact on the formation of the foreign and domestic political situation in the country at various moments of political reality

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