
Among public policy priorities on the development of higher education in the context of European integration of Ukraine the problem of constant educational quality improvement, modernization of educational process, introduction of educational innovations and information technologies are identified. An application of innovative methods of English teaching becomes relevant and is of great practical importance, especially in the context of Ukraine’s competitive presence in the international educational arena. With the reformation of foreign language teaching in higher educational institutions, lecturers create new opportunities for the implementation of didactic principles of individualization and differentiation of learning. The introduction of Blended learning technologies in Ukrainian universities is a new pedagogical approach that involves a combination of active use of streamlined on-line training and traditional classroom communication. The article covers examples of blended learning implementation in models of foreign language teaching at higher educational institutions. A use of blended learning model that combines elements of traditional and distance learning in different proportions is proposed. Different models of blended learning presented by foreign researchers are considered and generalized, models that can be integrated into the traditional educational process at higher educational institutions are proposed. The advantages and disadvantages of the blended learning system are analyzed and systematized.

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