
This article is devoted to the study of the current state of functioning and development of trends in the field of human resources management in Ukrainian companies in recent years. The importance of the sphere of human resources management in the activities of organizations is considered. The importance of personnel development is emphasized, since the level of knowledge, skills and qualifications directly affects the competitiveness of an enterprise in the modern market. The main trends in the field of HR in recent years are studied. The results of a survey of HR managers in 40 countries from all major industries are considered to identify and assess the main trends, priorities and expected challenges in the field of HR management for the near future. The author analyzes in detail the impact of each trend in the HR management series on the need to improve the skills of HR managers or develop new ones. The acceleration of scientific, technological and socio-economic progress, the complication of production and interpersonal relations associated with a sharp increase in the role of the human factor have influenced the change in the role of the personnel subsystem in the organization and put personnel management at the forefront of management activities, which actualizes the choice of researching this problem. In response to changes in society, corporate trends of enterprises must also change and ensure its success, which also depends on its ability to develop and motivate staff in a timely manner. Personnel development is a systematically organized process that involves quantitative, qualitative and structural changes in the competence of employees through continuous professional training and education. All trends form a new portrait of an HR leader. More and more attention is being paid to understanding the employee experience, which is a critical aspect in the fierce competition for the best specialists. Maintaining a positive employee experience is of paramount importance in times of change and economic uncertainty. Thus, the current stage of development of the science of human resource management is characterized by the integration of human resource management into the overall strategy of the organization. The significance of this stage is: attribution of human resource management functions to the highest level of management; involvement of human resource management in determining the strategy and organizational structure of the enterprise; involvement of personnel development as a mandatory element of activity.

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