
The authors are guided by the principle of professional orientation of teaching mathematics in the secondary vocational educational system. Professional orientation in training in an educational program is considered as a combination of content and activity (procedural) aspects. The article explains that forming the ability to deal with algorithms is the key reference mark for students of the technical profile. The content of these skills and proficiency levels for students of secondary vocational educational institutions have been outlined. The ability to work with algorithms involves the formation of the following actions: to establish the “essence” of the algorithm, to highlight the steps of the algorithm and establish links between them, to develop mechanisms for the implementation of each stage. Students need to learn how to highlight the essence of algorithmic phenomena, implement a given algorithm, control the progress of the algorithm, find errors, and make adjustments. When performing actions “as directed”, students are offered a ready-made algorithm of actions to solve certain problems. When performing “by reference points”, students are required to conduct an analysis associated with the rationalization of the proposed algorithm. The independent performance of actions is distinguished by the complete independence of the student from any instructions. It is assumed that when teaching mathematics in the system of secondary vocational education of a technical profile, the selection of pedagogical technologies must be oriented towards achieving the level of independent implementation of the algorithm.

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