
Iris melanoma by the type of sago grains («tapioca») is a rare form of malignant neoplasm that develops from melanocytes of the iris stroma. Early diagnosis of this disease is extremely important for the life and ability to work of patients. In a patient with chronic recurrent iridocyclitis, deposits of small calcifications were found on the cornea, long-standing opacities at the stroma level in the lower parts perilimbally, epitheliopathy in the form of small-point defects; multiple rounded nodules (neoplasms) of pale brown color on the iris OU. Diagnostic methods: ultrasound, gonioscopy, UBM, OST of the cornea, OST of the iris. Diagnosis: secondary calcifying ribbon keratopathy OS. Suspected iris melanoma of the type of sago grains («tapioca»), immature cataract, chronic iridocyclitis without exacerbation. Due to conservative treatment, including the use of glucocorticosteroids, the changes in the iris completely disappeared after 1.5 months. A clinical case demonstrates the possibility of developing one disease with manifestations of clinical symptoms of another nosological group disease. This implies a thorough differential diagnosis with the possible use of test therapy. Keywords: melanoma, chronic recurrent iridocyclitis, calcifications.

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