
The article summarizes the main trends in the development of adult education and reveals the need to improve relationships between providers of educational services in the process of implementing the "learning city" concept. The components of the main features of the learning city are characterized. The peculiarities of the development of coopetition in general are investigated, as well as the specific features of coopetition relations in the field of providing educational services are outlined, and also the characteristics of their main types are given. The specifics of the formation of the coopetitive model of the learning city according to the network principle with an outlining of its main advantages and disadvantages are considered. The expediency of forming coopetitive relationships between providers of educational services within the framework of the development of the "learning city" concept is substantiated. The characteristic features of coopetators are summarized, and four types of their behavior in terms of obtaining benefits from the provision of educational services, depending on the use of a competitive or cooperative approach, are also considered. The essence of the network structure and the conditions for the formation of network connections between providers of educational services have been studied. A scheme of interconnections that arise between educational service providers in the process of forming a coopetitive model of the "learning city" according to the network principle has been formed. The main stages of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the network-based coopetitive model implementation of the "learning city" concept have been determined. Based on the SWOT analysis, the main advantages and disadvantages, as well as the opportunities and threats of forming a coopetitive model of implementing the "learning city" concept are summarized. It was determined that the implementation of the coopetitive model of relations between providers of educational services will contribute to the introduction of innovative technologies in education, the spread of best practices, the formation of transparent competitive relations and the development of human capital.

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