
The paper gives an analysis of articles, reports, and reviews of specialized Polish periodicals from 2000 to 2010, which include interviews, reviews, impressions, and comments of theater experts about contemporary cultural and artistic events in Poland in which Ukrainian artists participated. To fulfill the tasks set in the research, the author considers the main theatrical magazines of Poland “Dialog. Miesięcznik poświęcony dramaturgii współczesnej”, “Didaskalia”, “Pamiętnik Teatralny”, “Scena”, “Teatr”, which have had a long history of activity since the last century. The analytical work of the study is part of the preparatory stage before digitizing the materials on the Ukrainian-Polish cultural dialogue and placing them in the Polish Academy of Sciences database. The current issue requires improving the content in the virtual information environment regarding the creative activity of Ukrainian theaters. Accumulation, storage, and research of available information in electronic format will enable immediate processing and speed up the solution of many current problems: visualize the quantitative indicators of the institution's activity; make it possible to forecast its development; contribute to the search for effective ways of functioning. The author considers that a significant unsolved aspect of the problem is the lack of research into the Ukrainian-Polish cultural-artistic dialogue, which concerns theatrical practices at the beginning of the 21st century. The fact justifies the originality of the research, as there has been no study of Polish periodicals on theater studies, whose publications reflect the activities of Ukrainian artists. The chronological framework in the study is essential, as it was marked by important political events in both countries: 2004, when Poland joined the European Union, and in Ukraine, the Orange Revolution. The preliminary result of the analysis of Polish theater publications illustrates a specific direction of each of them and is the basis for determining their thematic direction: retrospectives, festival events, and creative meetings; biographies of personalities and discovery of new names; literary reviews. The activity of Ukrainian actors and theater groups in the artistic life of Poland is one of the indicators of the work of governmental cultural diplomacy and personal contact between the two countries, which determines the strengths and weaknesses of international relations. Further investigation of the phenomenon will make it possible to trace the dynamics of international communication ties of the period recorded in theater journals. In the future, the author aims to explore similar information in mass media (press, television, websites) and conduct interviews in focus groups (theatre administration, theater critics, ambassadors). Such a comprehensive systemic approach will contribute to the demonstration of a complete and accurate picture of the Ukrainian-Polish cultural and artistic dialogue on the example of theatrical practices.

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