
The leading line of materials presented in the article is vectorized to reveal and substantiate the coexistence and synthesis of modern and traditional, innovative and enduring, integrated and substantive as actual, conceptual and inalienable concepts in the discourse on the globalization processes taking place in the present world, in particular on the concepts of transition of all mankind to a fundamentally new post-industrial civilization in general and the planetary society in particular.In the specified way, under a particular angle of view and aspects of scientific vision, the essential and functional contexts of folk art as a special field of cultural and creative progress of Ukrainians are highlighted. Through the prism of the analysis of its cognitive, developmental and educational potentials, their place and role in the field of the formation of erudite, competent, versatile personality capable of penetrating into the modern society, to meet its demands, interests and norms of the present dynamic life is determined. Putting the subject of research into the rank of actual and effective components of moderation of modern artistic education, the author argues that moving forward, opening the new, giving preference to a modern, innovative, globalized modelling of the content and forms of the present life, should not neglect the achievements of the past, the traditions generated by him and customs of material, spiritual, general cultural nature, since without them the present and future loses its meaningful meaning. In the justification, the above emphasis is placed on the fact that the development of students as young generations, on the true bases of domestic art, must necessarily include the study of “folk” branch. It is about understanding of one’s national background, knowledge of the origins, ways of development and general features of artistic creation of folk artists, penetration of the principles of perception of the world, ideas and concepts of artistic expression of the real and the imaginary. All this is so significant that without that, even the simplest algorithm for the acquisition of artistic education will be destroyed and the process of learning, upbringing and development in this area will become unproductive. It follows that these vectors and the content of artistic and aesthetic education, based on the idea of the revival of national culture, artistic traditions, achievements, are indisputably popular, relevant and extremely important and significant both for the younger generations in particular and for society as a whole.

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