
Statement of the problem. In modern conditions, a person’s readiness for independent activity is necessary in the educational, professional and personal fields, and scientific and technological progress and the industrial sector require highly qualified engineering personnel. In this connection, it is important to solve, at a new level, the issues of planning and organizing independent work in mathematics by students (future engineers). Focusing on the personality of the student in the learning process helps to increase motivation to perform independent work, and the potential of an electronic educational resource in mathematics provides additional opportunities for its planning and implementation. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the implementation of a differentiated approach to organizing independent work in mathematics for students of technical areas of training in the context of using e-learning. Methodology is based on the requirements and recommendations of federal laws, the provisions of the activity, personality-oriented, differentiated, systemic and informational approaches. It is based on classical and innovative views on the organization of independent work and the definition of its concept. Research results. Approaches to planning and organization of independent work of students (future engineers) are determined. The idea of compiling guidelines for independent work in mathematics for students of various levels of training is proposed. Methods and tasks focused on self-learning of students using a distance course are described. Conclusion. Planning and organizing independent work in mathematics for engineering students within the framework of a distance course allows creating conditions on the subject and professionally oriented content for self-educational activities of students, taking into account their capabilities and needs. This approach makes it possible to increase the motivation for independent work in mathematics and improve the quality of professional training of future graduates.

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