
The article is devoted to the problem of organizing independent work in mathematics for future primary school teachers. This problem is actualized today – in the period of education reform and Ukraine’s accession to the Bologna Process. Among the priority areas of pedagogical search is the problem of organizing the students’ independent work on the basis of personally-oriented and activity-based approaches using innovative teaching technologies. The development of important job-related qualities of a future teacher is to update and creatively apply theoretical knowledge, to form independency as a trait of character, in the approximation of educational activity to the future profession. The optimum use of all types of independent work, compliance with the conditions of its implementation, the functional preparation of the teacher and the student are the necessary conditions for its organization. Independent work of students in mathematics is one of the most important types of formation of subject and key competences, formation of a professiogram of future primary school teachers. The effectiveness of this process depends on the teacher’s ability to organize it correctly and optimally (clearly formulated tasks for students, availability of appropriate methodological support, timely consultations, discussion of results, an analysis of completed work, etc.).Today, within the framework of independent work in mathematics for students of the specialty “Elementary education” it is important to draw up an individual plan of study of the student (syllabus), which is at the same time a means of informing the student about the necessary amount of independent mastering of discipline. This ensures the organization of systematic independent work of students in mathematics during the semester. The syllabus, in particular, states the purpose and objectives of the course – to acquaint students with the basic concepts and methods of mathematics necessary for a thorough mastering of the entire course of mathematics, and the methods of teaching mathematics for the successful learning and education of younger students; to prepare students for the practical application of the acquired knowledge in their practical activities and for independent study of those sections of mathematics that may be required additionally in the practical and research work of future teachers.

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