
Статья посвящена проблеме урегулирования вопросов авторского права в издательской деятельности между российской и немецкой сторонами в 1905-1908 годах. Проанализирована корреспонденция московской музыкально-издательской фирмы «П. Юргенсон» и ряда немецких (преимущественно лейпцигских) издательств. Приведены основные законодательные акты Германии и России, регламентирующие данную отрасль права; выявлены ключевые аспекты юридических отношений в издательской сфере. Основным материалом для исследования стали немецкоязычные источники из фондов Российского национального музея музыки и Лейпцигского государственного архива, впервые вводимые в научный оборот. The article is devoted to the problem of copyright in publishing and the settlement of this question between the Russian and German sides in 1905-1908. The work includes an analysis of correspondence between the Moscow publishing house “P. Jurgenson” and many German (predominantly Leipzig) music publishing houses. It presents the main legislative acts of Germany and Russia regulating this branch of law; summarizes the key aspects of legal relations in the publishing field. The main material for the article was German-language sources and literature from the funds of German and Russian archives and libraries, first introduced into scientific use. The article is devoted to the problem of copyright in publishing and the settlement of this question between the Russian and German sides in 1905–1908. The work includes an analysis of correspondence between the Moscow publishing house “P. Jurgenson” and many German (predominantly Leipzig) music publishing houses. It presents the main legislative acts of Germany and Russia regulating this branch of law; summarizes the key aspects of legal relations in the publishing field. The main material for the article was German-language sources and literature from the funds of German and Russian archives and libraries, first introduced into scientific use.

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