
The Kuda river valley is a steppe region located to the west of Lake Baikal. It is a natural corridor that connects the valleys of the Angara and Lena rivers. Therefore, the study of cultural processes that took place there in ancient times is important for understanding the picture of the past of the entire Baikal Siberia. One of the most widespread categories of archaeological material is a fragment of ceramic vessels, among which the vessels with cord marking on the outside of the body stand out. In 2020, as a result of excavation work at the Kapsal-6 site (in the middle reaches of the Kuda River), the remains of at least 3 ceramic vessels were recorded, decorated with a combination of cord marking, pasted on rollers and imprints. The parameters of the artifacts made it possible to reconstruct the preliminary dimensions of the pottery, to reveal a number of points in the technology of its production. In addition, a preliminary dating has been established - the late Bronze Age of the 10th - 7th centuries BC, based on analogies with materials from the Tyshkine III station on Olkhon Island. Keywords: ceramic, cord marking, bands, station, cultural layer

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