
The article focuses on the need for the formation in the future teachers of physical culture of the value attitude towards their own health and the education of the internal motivation of the need for the formation of a high level of health culture. It is proved that the teachers of higher education institutions should pay attention to raising students’ responsibility for preservation of health. Such activity requires targeted work on the formation of internal motivation of value attitude to the culture of health. Valuable attitude is characterized by sound knowledge of health as the highest value, defines the attitude to health as the highest value of life, and involves conscious behavior in the preservation of health. The main emphasis is on internal motivation, when the student serves as the source of motivation as a subject of activity. The emphasis is placed on the stage of the procedure of motivating the value relation with the culture of health: Stage 1 – perception of the content of the motive and the definition of the objectives of motivation; Stage 2 – assessment of the personal significance of the motive; Stage 3 – awareness of the content of motivation; Stage 4 – belief in the power and feasibility of motivation. In the methodological context we determined the need to implement the principle of value orientation of students, which involves identifying and disclosing the value content of physical education for the formation of a health culture of future teachers of physical culture. In practical terms, we have substantiated the expediency of such activity in higher education institutions and we have revealed practical ways in creating a positive educational environment that has an impact on the formation of the value attitude of students of physical education faculties to the culture of health.

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