
The article is devoted to the theoretical ground of electronic educational courses-resources development and introduction necessity in educational space of higher educational pedagogical institution as the mean of educational process support and of professional preparation efficiency increase of future physical culture teachers. On the basis of leading scientists’ scientific works analysis blended learning is examined as synergic combination of full-time and distance education elements by means of information and communication technologies. The basic conditions of its realization are the increase of self-education and responsibility for the educational activity result role, and the possibility of student’s own educational trajectory construction in the process of professional becoming. It is underlined that the leading mean of blended learning realization in the process of professional preparation of future physical culture teachers in higher educational institutions is the electronic course-resource that contains didactic organized electronic materials of educational-methodological complex of educational discipline and provides educational process support. It is described the algorithm of development and educational discipline course-resource structure: “Physical recreation of different population groups” for the students of the second educational level of speciality 014.11 Secondary education (Physical culture) in Google Classroom space on the platform of G Suite for of Education. The advantages of the developed course-resource in higher educational institutions are shown, that consist in providing of such requirements of educational process organization, as openness, availability, interactivity, instrumentality, and assist individualization and differentiation of educational process, transmission processes optimization, mastering, increase and use of knowledge, in future physical culture teachers’ professionally meaningful abilities and skills formation.

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