Monoclinic ZrO2 single crysta1s were grown from the fluxed melt of 22 wt fe 5 ZrO2 and 78 wt%o Na3AIFe by slow cooling under the evaporation of the flux components.A starting mixt e was placed in a 100ml platinum crucible. After maintaining it in the range of temperatures from 1010 to 1080eC, it was cooled at a constant rate from 1 to 10eC/hr, ZrO2 single crystals were fouhd in the growth at a higher te pe: rature and a faster cooling rate. When ai r-coQled from 1024 C at the rate of about 2000C/hr, only small ZrO2 single crystals were obtaiped.Many of monoclinic ZrO2 single ctystals grown were of tabular form which was generally bounded by {100}, {110} and. {111} faces and their maximum size was 6.7x4.0x1.4 mmS, Some of them were twins on par allel growths. Crystals were shown to be very pure by spectroscopic analyses, and also had few cavities.The amount, of evaporqt. ion from the fuxed melt was about 7, 5g/day (10500C), depending upon a sectional area of the crucible.Many crystals showed growth hills similar to an acorn, a rhomb and a circle in shape on {100}, {OIO} and {111} surfaces, respectively.Etching of ZrO2 crystals was made with a hot 46% HF etchant. The etch pits resulting from a several hours etch were, slender hexagonal and these from a long hours etch were rhombic on {100} surfaces.
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