Aims: The research aims to measure the effectiveness of community empowerment with CIBEST Analysis in the community empowerment of "Balai Ternak BAZNAS" Program. Study Design: The research used case study and descriptive analysis method, with mustahik respondents who received initiation of zakat funds. Place and Duration of Study: Community empowerment of "Balai Ternak BAZNAS". Methodology: To assess the effectiveness of the program CIBEST analysis was used. Results: The results of research using CIBEST analysis can measure the performance of community empowerment through "Balai Ternak” program effectively. can be seen from the improvement in performance from the material dimension by increasing muzaki income and the results of "Balai Ternak” program with livestock products that can be enjoyed by muzaki and the community, especially meeting the needs for goat and poultry meat in the surrounding community. Also the spiritual dimension can be seen from the quantitative and qualitative increase in the implementation of prayer, fasting and paying zakat. also support from the family environment and government policies to improve the spiritual life of muzaki and the community. Conclusion: The CIBEST model can effectively measure the performance of community empowerment through "Balai Ternak” program. This can be observed from the improved performance in the material dimension, which is reflected by the increased income of muzaki (donors) and the outcomes of "Balai Ternak” program, where the livestock products can be enjoyed by the muzaki and the community, especially in meeting the local demand for goat and poultry meat.
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