The high-temperature cyclic behavior of oxide dispersion-strengthened superalloy MA 760 was studied at different temperatures and specimen orientations. The cyclic hardening curves at different strain am-plitudes were determined at 650, 900, and 950 °C, and the stress-strain response of the material was sub-stantiated by detailed fractographical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microstructuralJoptical microscopy, STEM) observations. During cycling, MA 760 did not exhibit marked hardening or soften-ing, and also the final fracture occurred very rapidly without a significant decrease in the cyclic strength of the material. The “brittle” nature of deformation behavior of MA 760, especially at lower test tempera-tures, as well as oxidation-induced secondary cracking along grain boundaries, was clearly revealed by microscopical studies of the fracture surfaces. At 650 °C, evidence of dislocation cutting of γ was ob-served in transmission micrographs, but at higher temperatures, dislocation climb and by-passing of γ particles were found to become more prominent features. At all test temperatures, dislocation climb over yttria particles, as well as the departure side pinning effect of dislocations at nonshearable particles, was frequently observed.
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