This essay analyses paradigms of migration in We Need New Names (2013) by NoViolet Bulawayo (b. 1981, Zimbabwe), a recent example of new African (or ‘Afropolitan’?) literature. A teenager idealises migration to the United States as a flight to emancipation, if compared to internal flows of forcedly removed people, or unsuccessful flows to South Africa, or even to Britain. As a counterpoint, a downfall follows the flight. The first American experience is a snowfall, then stumbling on the English Language is compared to a fall; physical as well as psychic downfalls send illegal migrants into the invisibility of undesirable jobs and into lying (Mehta 2016) but also into a mental condition. This final outcome of migration has been approached with the tools of ethno-psychiatry (Beneduce 2016-2018) and the recently published short story about migration by Maaza Mengiste, “This is What the Journey Does” (2018). DOI: 10.17456/SIMPLE-94 Bibliography Ahmed, Sara. 2007. Multiculturalism and the Promise of Happiness, New Formations, (Winter) 63: 121-137, (consulted on 5/06/2018). Becker, Rayda. 1999. Homesteads and Headrests. H. Judin & I. Vladislavic eds. Architecture, Apartheid and After. Amsterdam: NAi Publishers, 79-83. Beneduce, Roberto. 2016. Traumatic past and the historical imagination: symptoms of loss, postcolonial suffering, and counter-memories among African migrants. Transcultural Psychiatry, 53, 3: 261-285. Beneduce, Roberto. 2015. The Moral Economy of Lying: Subjectcraft, Narrative Capital, and Uncertainty in the Politics of Asylum. Medical Anthropology. Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, 34, 6: 551-571. Beneduce, Roberto, 2008. Breve dizionario di Etnopsichiatria. Roma: Carocci. Bwesigye, Brian. 2013. Is Afropolitanism Africa’s New Single Story? Reading Helon Habila’s Review of We Need New Names (22 November) (consulted on 25/05/2018). Bosh Santana, Stephanie. 2013. Exorcising Afropolitanism: Binyavanga Wainaina explains why ‘I am a Panafricanist, not an Afropolitan’ at ASAKU 2012 (8 February) /2013/02/08/exorcizing-afropolitanism-binyavanga-wainaina-explainswhy-i-am-a-pan-africanist-not-an-afropolitan-at-asauk-2012/ (consulted on 25/05/2018). Bulawayo, NoViolet. 2013. We Need New Names. London: Chatto & Windus. Bulawayo, NoViolet. 2014. Eat, Drink, & Be Literary (19 March). (consulted on 25/05/2018). Concilio, Carmen. 2018. Il frigorifero come antroposcenario. Un portale verso l’Occidente per i migranti. D. Fargione & C. Concilio eds. Antroposcenari. Storie, paesaggi, ecologie. Bologna: Il Mulino, 227-242. Dabiri, Emma. 2014. Why I’m not an Afropolitan (21 January), (consulted on 25/05/ 2018). Derrida, Jacques. 2002. The Animal that Therefore I am (trans. by David Wills). Critical Inquiry, 28, 2 (Winter): 369-418, (consulted on 25/05/2018). Habila, Helon. 2013. We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo - A Review. The Guardian, (20 Jun) /books/2013/jun/20/need-new-names-bulawayoreview (consulted on 25/05/2018). Hannerz, Ulf. 1990. Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture. Theory, Culture & Society, 7: 237-251. Mbembe, Achille. 2007. Afropolitanism. Njami Simon ed. Africa Remix: Contemporary Art of a Continent. Johannesburg: Johannesburg Art Gallery, 26-30. Mehta, Suketu. 2016. The Secret Life of Cities, (consulted on 25/05/2018) [La vita segreta delle citta, it. trans. by Norman Gobetti. Torino: Einaudi]. Mengiste, Maaza 2018. This is what the Journey Does. The New York Review of Books (May 17), 2018/05/17/this-is-what-the-journey-does/ (consulted on 7/06/2018). Mofolo, Thomas 1931. Chaka. An Historical Romance, trans. by F. H. Dutton and introduced by Sir H. Newbolt. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nguyen, Viet Tahanh ed. 2018. The Displaced: Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives. New York: Abrams Press. Okwunodu Ogbechie, Sylvester. 2008. Afropolitanism: Africa without Africans, (April 4), 2008/04/afropolitanism-more-africa-without.html (consulted on 25/05/2018). Selasi, Taiye. 2014. Don’t ask where I’m from, ask where I’m a local, _ask_where_i_m_a_local_t-3852 (consulted on 25/05/2018). Selasi, Taiye. 2015. By-By Babar, The Lip, (3 March 2015), (consulted on 25/05/2018). Sieber, Roy. 1980. African Furniture and Household Objects. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Schoene, Berthold. 2009. The Cosmopolitan Novel. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Rushdie, Salman. 2008 [1989]. Satanic Verses. New York: Random House. Tveit, Marta. 2013. The Afropolitan Must Go (28 November 2013), (consulted on 25/05/2018).
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