A method of oxygen and sulfur barometry is based on the equilibrium, 2 Fe 2 SiO 4 + S 2 = 2 FeS + Fe 2 Si 2 O 6 + O 2, as contained in the peridotite mineral assemblage olivine-orthopyroxene-MSS (monosulfide solid solution {Fe,Ni,Co,Cu} S-S 2). The method was applied to spinel peridotite xenoliths in basalts from the Massif Central and Montferrier and to the Ariege (Pyrenees) orogenic peridotite massifs. Monosulfide solid solution compositions were taken exclusively from sulfide inclusions within silicates and are interpreted to represent subsolidus MSS formed during high P- T recrystallization and deformation of the peridotites. Calculated ƒ O 2 's are consistent with spinel oxybarometry of shallow subcontinental mantle lithosphere but are more scattered. Scatter is due, at least in part, to nonrandom sectioning of multiphase sulfide grains. The ƒ S 2 's, which are coupled to ƒ O 2 through the equilibrium above, average 1–2 log units above the quartz-fayalite-magnetite-pyrrhotite reference buffer. At such conditions, in primitive mantle containing 200–250 ppm S, at least 95% of that S would be present in MSS and 5% or less (as minor H 2S) in CO 2-H 2O fluids.