Identification of oxidation state and ligand species is often challenging, requiring arduous preparation and destructive analytical techniques which inhibit rapid analyses. Advancements in laboratory-based X-ray emission spectrometers (XES) are addressing this issue, facilitating consistent access to element-specific bulk chemical analysis of oxidation state and ligand speciation in users’ own labs. Intended to simplify and expand access to this powerful technique for both new and existing members of the XAS community, everyday analysis is a game-changer which enables researchers to control their experiment like never before. Synchrotron-like data quality is achievable within minutes even on trace elements (few hundred PPM). Utilizing a Rowland-circle geometry, easyXAFS spectrometers support a broad energy range (2-25 keV) capable of XES analysis of over 50 elements ranging from phosphorus through the actinides. Herein we discuss the benefits of XES for determination of oxidation state and ligand speciation highlighting previous and ongoing research in electrocatalysis, cathode coatings, battery charge/discharge operando measurements. Figure 1
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