As part of its conservation-restoration, the 13th century stained-glass panel ‘the Annunciation’, was examined at the micro- and macro level. This window, since 1898 in the collection of the Museum Mayer Van den Bergh (Antwerp, B), was formerly a part of the southern Rose window of the Notre Dame Cathedral (Paris, F). The insigths emerging from a first phase of the analysis, comprising non-invasive analysis techniques such as optical microscopy combined with macroscopic X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) and X-ray diffraction (MA-XRPD) mapping, were used to select sampling positions for the second phase of investigation that involved micro-invasive analysis, namely scanning-electron microscopy coupled to energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX). The aim of the investigation was fourfold: (1) to assess the applicability of MA-XRF scanning for the characterisation of stained glass windows prior to any conservation or restoration procedure, (2) to assess the applicability of MA-XRPD scanning to identify the degradation products formed on the surface of stained glass windows, (3) to establish a method to limit the set of sampled glass fragments taken from a glass panel for quantititive analysis while maintaining sufficient representativeness and (4) to distinguish the original glass panes and grisaille paint from non-original glass panes that were inserted during various past interventions. Most of the panes in this window proved to consist of medieval potash glass, consistent with the 13th c. origin of the window while a limited number of panes were identified as non-original infills, with divergent glass compositional types and/or colorants. Most panes derive their color from the pot metal glass (i.e. homogenously colored) they were made of. Some of the panes that originally had a red flashed layer on their surface, completely or partially lost this layer due to weathering. Three main compositional glass families with similar color could be defined. With the exception of the yellow and orange panes, the chromophoric elements responsible for the dark(er) and light(er) blue (Co), green (Cu), purple (Mn) and red colors (Cu) were identified. Two different grisaille paints were encountered, part of which were restored during the 19th century. On the basis of this information, all missing pieces were replaced by glass panes with appropriate colors and the panel could be successfully conserved to its former glory. On the surface of several panes, typical glass degradation products such as calcite, syngenite and gypsum were identified, together with lead based degradation products such as anglesite and palmierite. In addition, the presence of hematite and melanotekite in the grisailles was observed; also the presence of Zn, uncorrelated to Cu, in the grissailes on the right side of the window became apparent.
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