Summary Red cells, when treated with their specific immune serum, take up amounts of sensitizer which vary with the concentration of the sensitizer in the surrounding medium. Although from very low concentrations, all is not absorbed, as much as 2000 units or more may be taken up by one unit of cells, provided the concentration of the antibodies is sufficiently high. The logarithmic plots of some of the tests approach a straight line very closely, while many deviate considerably from the straight line. The amount of deviation of the curve is proportional to the amount of deviation of the tests from the physical law proposed by Arrhenius, which is expressed by the equation, B = KCn. The amount of absorption varies also with the serum used. Some given practically complete extraction from as much as 200 units per cubic centimeter while with other sera, all is not absorbed from concentrations of antibodies as low as 50 units per cubic centimeter. The combination of the red cell and its antibody is extremely rapid. In every case, fifteen minutes were found to be sufficient time for equilibrium to be established. With the majority of sera the extraction of sensitizer by the cells was found to be greatest at a temperature of about 37°C. Some sera, however, gave more complete absorption at 15° to 25°C. than at any other temperature. Neither the quantitative fluctuations of the serum proteins nor the titer of the serum was found to have any constant relation to the variations in the absorption. Cells, sensitized with a serum which gave a low absorption, were more resistant to further sensitization than cells, sensitized with a much larger number of units from a serum which gave a high absorption. This indicates that the substance in the serum, that inhibits the absorption, is really absorbed by the cell along with the antibodies. In every case tested, the extraction of the antibodies was greatest from serum drawn early in the period of immunity, regardless of the titer. The greatest drop in the absorption was found to be coincident with the most rapid drop in the titer. The accumulated evidence is forcibly suggestive that the great variations in absorption are due to the presence of the deterioration products of the antibodies, i.e., the antibodies which have lost their sensitizing power but still retain their affinity for the antigen. The writer's thanks are due Dr. R. R. Hyde, under whose direction the work has been carried forward.
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