1997). This issuepresents new results mainly from geologicalinvestigations concentrated in the westernbranch of the East African Rift System andconducted in the framework of differentresearchprojects on the East African Rift. An additionalpaper is related to the seismicity ofthe southernpart of the Kenya Rift.IGCP400 PROJECT GEODYNAMICS OFCONTINENTAL RIFTINGRationaleThe presence of active intracontinental riftsystems with deep water basins, such as thoseof East Africa and Baikal, gives rise to severalproblems regarding the mechanism of basinformation in plate interiors. For example, one ofthe most important results of the ILP WorldStress Map project is that the interior ofcontinental lithospheric plates are undercompression (Zoback, 1992). Central Asia isunder compression resulting from the IndiaEurasia convergence and collision; and Africa issurrounded by mid-oceanicspreading ridges anda continental collision to the north. Afundamental question therefore is how do suchdeep extensional rift basins develop in acompressional environment? To address thisproblem, it is necessary to investigate not onlythe rift basins themselves, but also theirlithospheric structure and their general intraplatetectonic setting.The aim of IGCP400 (1996-2000)Geodynamics of Continental Rifting is tounderstand the causes and effects of continentalrifting by making comparisons of the deepstructure and the geophysical, tectonic,kinematic and magmatic processes responsiblefor the initiation and development ofintracontinental rifts, particularly the AfroArabian, East African, Baikal, Rio Grande andEuropean Cenozoic Rift Systems. For a betterunderstanding of the evolution of riftingprocesses with time, the project also includesthe North Sea Rift and rifted passive margins.Present-dayknowledge of rifts is uneven andit is necessary to promote further investigationwhere information is lacking, and also to developnew ideas and methodologies to address crucialrift problems. Models of origin resulting fromthe comparative studies can be tested using datafrom geodesy, tectonics and seismology forkinematics; gravimetry, seismictomography, andheat flow for rheology; and gravimetry andfission tracks for the thermomechanicalbehaviour of the lithosphere. The project alsoaddresses related topics including environmentalissues, natural hazards, palaeoclimatic andpalaoenvironmental changes, and lacustrineenvironmental protection. It also promotesmultinational north-south and east-westscientific and technological cooperation.Recent activitiesThe IGCP400 project officially started in July1996. Three business meetings were organisedduring the first six months to disseminateinformation on the new project, to recruitmembers and to assemble a pool of specialists.Business meetings were held during the 21thEGS General Assembly in The Hague, TheNetherlands (6-10 May 1996), during thescientific meeting of the INTAS-93-134projectContinental rift tectonics and sedimentary basinevolution, in Novosibirsk, Russia (22-24May