The thirteenth session of the Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) was held in Geneva, from May 3 to 20, 1960. In his inaugural address, the President of the Assembly, Dr. H. B. Turbott, spoke of the ground gained by the idea of world health since the early days of WHO, of the new and growing challenges with which the Assembly would have to deal in discussing the 1961 program—such as the control of pestilential diseases, protection against radiation hazards, the evaluation of live poliomyelitis vaccine, extended nutrition programs, and the world shortage of competent health personnel—and of the problems of particular concern to the more developed countries, such as heart, cancer, and mental illness. Dr. Turbott also described the integration of preventive and curative services as one field to which WHO should devote more attention. The Director-General, presenting his report on the work of WHO during 1959, stressed the urgency of the world-wide malaria eradication campaign, pointing out that malaria was the most important single obstacle to the development of the economic and social potentials of the underdeveloped areas of the world. The year 1959, he continued, had witnessed intensified research activities by the Organization, an increase in experts trained under WHO's fellowship program, and improved coordination between inter-country and inter-regional projects, but the problem of the resistance of malaria vectors to insecticides remained an obstacle to malaria eradication, and the question of funds for international technical assistance was still unsolved. In concluding, the Director-General predicted diat, at die present rate of progress, malaria could be eradicated, at least from Europe, the Americas, North Africa, and large parts of Asia, within perhaps the next ten years.
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